2.Water is made up of atoms of hydrogen and oxygen.
3.The commission is made up of five people, including two women.
委员会由五人组成, 其中包括两名妇女。
4.Responser card is made up of SC2262, coupling coil, switch for code.
5.Chinese name is made up of the family name ahead and the following "firstname".
6.A molecule of water is made up of two atoms of hygrogen and one atom of oxygen.
7.Trama The inner tissue of the gills in basidiomycete fungi that is made up of loosely packed hyphae.
8.The monosaccharide are made up of rhamnose, glucose, mannitose, galactose and xylose.It offers foundation for boosting biological activities by hydrolyzing saponins.
9.The Panton Valentine leukocidin is made up of two components -- LukF-PV and LukS-PV - and is typically produced by community-acquired methicillin-resistant S. aureus (CA-MRSA).
10.There is a little town in Leshan, suji, which is the swelled candy rice's producing area.It is made up of sticky rice, peanut, and gingeli.
11.All the various substances and bodies to be found in the sub-lunary sphere were thought to be made up of the four elements in varying proportions.
12.The area above Chashang Section in the Beishi River Valley, a tributary of Fen River, is made up of forested and unforested lands in one and the other.
13.Antennae of B. tabaci are made up of scapus, pedicle and flagella that the latter consist of 1-5 segments and most of the antennal sensilla lie on its outer, upper and lower surfaces.